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Frequently Asked Questions

General Dentistry

As a General Dental Office our team are focused on caring for your complete oral health. We do provide services for patients of all ages from 1 -100!

We may refer you to a specialist from time to time but we can take care of most of your family’s oral health needs. A few of the things that we would like to focus on here are:

  • Composite Restorations that are minimally invasive. With early detection, small carious lesions or decayed surfaces on your teeth can be painlessly removed without anesthesia. 

  • Cancer Screening every visit to minimize your risk for Oral Cancer.

  • Intra Oral Imaging Camera to show you what is happening inside your mouth. 

  • Piezo Electric Teeth Cleaning machines that are safer for patients with Pacemakers. These machines less water than a traditional "Cavitron" type device and are more comfortable for our Geriatric or Asthmatic patients because of the reduced amount of aerosol that is generated by these scalers. These are less noisier for patients who have sensitive ears. Should you be worried about post cleaning sensitivity, talk to Dr. Saravana about de sensitizers that you could use after your cleaning appointments.

  • In our office we are very concerned about exposing you to any unnecessary radiation. We use latest Digital Radiographs that cut down on the amount of radiation you receive. All the machines we use in our office can produce very diagnostic images with only 20% of the radiation of traditional radiographs. This is coupled with advanced imaging software that enhances these images that help us better diagnose Oral health concerns.


Gum Disease


Gum Disease is one of the most prevalent diseases on the planet. These problems are usually quiet and fly under the radar for the most part till its fairly advanced. This is another one of those instances where prevention is a whole lot better than the cure. When we are not very diligent about brushing or flossing our teeth, soft debris called plaque builds up on our teeth that harden up with time. These build ups are bacterial havens that act as factories to produce multiple toxins and break down your gums and the supporting bone tissues.


Because the symptoms are mild, most patients can be ignorant of the lasting damage done to their teeth. By the time these teeth get symptomatic, significant damage has already occurred needing more specialized cleaning or sometimes even surgery. So, we recommend you get your teeth checked every 6 months and get these hardened debris or tartar cleaned routinely. Not unlike your vehicle gets the tire rotated and oil changed every few month.


At Pearl Family Dental, our team is absolutely committed in helping our community keep their teeth forever and so come talk to us to see how we can develop a personalized program to help you maintain a healthy beautiful smile. If you need help treating gum disease or periodontal disease in the Stafford, Spotsylvania, Ashland and Fredericksburg Area please call, Pearl Family Dental at 540 370 8054. For more information click on Blog




Sometimes taking a painful tooth out is the only option, either because your finances do not allow you to get the tooth fixed or because the tooth cannot be salvaged. We understand that this can be a very stressful situation for the patient to be in and will do our best to make you comfortable during and after the procedure. Dr. Saravana is very comfortable in removing teeth and if you need Teeth Extracted in the Stafford, Fredericksburg, Ashland, Spotsylvania Area please call, Pearl Family Dental at 540 370 8054.


Mouth Guards


If your kids are in sports, talk to us about making custom mouth guards for your child. These provide the best fit and comfort because they are made using a replica of your child’s mouth. Most times the cost is negligible and can help prevent injuries to the mouth, teeth and jaws. If you need a Mouthguard in the Stafford, Fredericksburg Area please call, Pearl Family Dental at 540 370 8054.



Is it safe to see the Dentist if I am pregnant?

As parents ourselves, we know how stressful pregnancy can be sometimes and we get asked this question at least once a day from concerned mothers to be. We hope to put your mind at rest by assuring you that it is completely safe to get any required Dental Treatment during your pregnancy. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that pregnancy is not a reason to delay seeking Dental treatment. Most pregnant women have a higher incidence of gum problems and possibly higher risk for cavities.


It is our promise that we will put your and the baby's health as our utmost priority. To this end, if we can delay treatment for after the pregnancy we will do so. Sometimes treatment cannot be avoided and we will consult with your OB GYN to help you get needed treatment scheduled in the safest manner possible. On a side note, mother to infant transfer of oral bacteria is established scientific fact and if a mother has a healthy mouth it is likely to result in a healthy baby from an oral health perspective.

If interested click on this link to see the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists news release. If you need safe Dental Care during pregnancy in the Stafford, Fredericksburg Area please call, Pearl Family Dental at 540 370 8054.

Fredericksburg Dentist accepting ....
  • Anthem BCBS

  • Aetna

  • Care First

  • Cigna

  • Delta Dental

  • Guardian

  • GEHA

  • Humana

  • Lincoln

  • Metlife

  • MedicAid

  • Smile for Children

  • United Healthcare

  • United Concordia

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